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Cast 4: What do you EAT?

Wednesday Sep 02, 2009

Wednesday Sep 02, 2009

Hello listeners! Today's podcast, our fourth yet, is about, you guessed it: common vegetarian food choices in response to that famous question, "WHAT DO YOU EAT?". This accompanies an identically-named post at VegLiving here.
See the episode below, or at iTunes here:
Enjoy, and keep listenin' and spreadin' the word!
Thanks for the support.
Be well,

P.S. - Sorry for the bit of awkwardness and mess-ups somewhere around the end. By the fourteenth time I had recorded this, it really didn't seem so bad. :)

Cast 3: Why go veg?

Sunday Aug 30, 2009

Sunday Aug 30, 2009

Hello all, and welcome to our third podcast for VegLiving Hot Minute.
Today's cast accompanies the post at VegLiving entitled "So, why are you a vegetarian?" located here.
As many are often curious about one's reasons for the choice, this cast is here to clear up some of the common question with three main reasons for the vegetarian diet.
It'd be interesting to hear from you if you have your own reasons as well for going vegetarian/vegan.
w00t! 89 Subscribers and only the third episode! Thanks guys. Keep spreadin' the word.
Hope everyone's enjoying the podcast and be well,

Wednesday Aug 26, 2009

Welcome to the second cast of the new semi-weekly podcast, VegLiving Hot Minute.
Today's podcast is here to clear up the common misunderstandings associated with the terms "vegetarian" and "vegan" by spelling out what is or is not included in a certain dietary choice.
This cast accompanies the post at VegLiving entitled "Vegetarianism? Be more specific..." here.
Thanks for all the support from everyone! Second episode and already have 37 subscribers. Awesome! Now check out the blog... we only have 4 there. ;)
Be well,

Cast 1: Introduction

Sunday Aug 23, 2009

Sunday Aug 23, 2009

Welcome to the first cast of Live Well's semi-weekly podcast: VegLiving Hot Minute: on life for the healthy, environmentally-conscious vegetarian.

- This cast accompanies the post entitled "Introduction" here at VegLiving.

An introduction the new semi-weekly show, VegLiving Hot Minute.
All in a quick, one-and-a-half-minute easy-to-listen-to radio cast, listeners can enjoy and be exposed to new and enjoyable ideas as an accompaniment to the VegLiving blog. What's included will go side-by-side with new and previous blog posts addressing topics like cool products, new recipes, interesting thoughts and ideas, and other fun discussion.

** Update August 25, 2009: Contrary to what this episode says, the podcast will be semi-weekly (happening twice per week), Wednesdays and Sundays. A whole week is just too long! :)
Be well,

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