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Monday Dec 14, 2009

Is it every possible to convert from vegetarianism back to eating meat? This is the question we address in this quick podcast, giving some reasons as to why one may go about making the change back and how it can possibly be avoided with the right research and motivation.
Check out the accompanying post at the VegLiving blog right here and see what you think.
If you're enjoying the show, please feel free to join the community (of over 500 listeners) and subscribe! Whatever works best for you: on iTunes, by email, or in a reader (RSS).
Feel free to tweet or email me.
I'd love to hear what you all think -- drop a comment!
Be well,

Monday Nov 23, 2009

Tired of hearing about the economic crisis? Me too. In these hard times, we need to stay smart with being vegetarian and on a budget. Here are some great tips for doing so.
This podcast accompanies the post at the VegLiving blog here.
If you are enjoying the show, please feel free to subscribe at iTunes or by email.
Let me know what you think and email me or tweet me.
Be well,

Cast 22: Awesome Nut Butters

Monday Nov 16, 2009

Monday Nov 16, 2009

Peanut butter and then some! Check out these six awesome nut butter varieties that are a great addition to a vegetarian or vegan lifestyle, with healthy fats and other nutrients. Tasty, too! Enjoy.
Check out the two accompanying posts at our VegLiving blog, where the main content for these shows is. The first article mentioned is here, featuring all types of nut butters, and the specific spotlight on soy nut butter is here.
Take a listen at iTunes or below with the player online, no downloads or subscriptions or logins required -- free, too!
Feel free to subscribe by email here to get new content delivered right to your inbox at no cost. Just enter your email and go. Oh, and always, feel free to email me or send me a tweet at my Twitter.
Be well,

Monday Nov 09, 2009

How does vegetarianism relate to the religions of the world? There are so many interesting belief systems all around the globe that include a non-violent and compassionate lifestyle that often adds in a meat-free diet. Check out this episode for more information; this is the question we'll be answering today.
Check out the accompanying post at the VegLiving blog, where the main content is, right here.
I hope everyone enjoys the show and feel free to subscribe by email or at iTunes for more. As I mentioned in this post, we'll now be doing just weekly (Sundays) shows.
Be well,
Feel free to email me or tweet me too.

Cast 20: Update Thus Far

Monday Nov 02, 2009

Monday Nov 02, 2009

Hello all, and welcome to VegLiving Hot Minute's 20th cast! Every twenty I'll be doing a little update/progress report about the show and hear any comments/suggestions from listeners.
I'm sorry that the blog and show have been slowing down a lot lately. As you all know, life gets busy. But I don't want to blabber or complain. Just wanted to let you know that I'm aware and will be getting back on it soon.
So, this podcast is a little update about subscribers and stuff. Being that I've done a lot of shows on posts at the blog but am not too hopeful about future episodes, I've come up with an idea.
I'd love to a question-answer podcast about vegetarianism for any new vegetarians or anyone that has questions. This way I could get listeners involved and have cool topics to discuss, too.
So, if you'd like to participate, please drop a comment here or email me here. Thanks for all the support, and be on the lookout for more cool stuff!
As always, feel free to subscribe at iTunes or by email.

Monday Oct 26, 2009

The hype over the organic food industry these days is no joke. But is it worthwhile to spend the extra bucks? This podcast features 12 of the most chemical-susceptible fruits and veggies that, although might cost ya a bit more, are worth it to go organic to keep you and the environment healthier.
Check out the accompanying post that lists these and gives some more info at the blog for this show's main information here.
If you're enjoying the show, feel free to subscribe at iTunes or by email, or email or tweet me.
Be well,

Thursday Oct 22, 2009

Leather that's vegan? Edible? Ha, yes! Fruit leathers, the lovely cousin of granola bars, featured here in a recent show. Today's episode features some great fruit leather choices that are the perfect accompaniment to a healthy, on-the-go veg lifestyle. What a way to get in some awesome vitamins, fruit servings and tasty energy in a little snack that can be brought anywhere!
Enjoy and, if you're liking the show, feel free to subscribe here at iTunes or by email to get future episodes delivered right to you. And be sure to tell all your veg (and non-veg, interested) friends!
This podcast accompanies the post at the VegLiving Blog, where the main content for these shows is, that's located here.
Enjoy and be well,
Feel free to email or tweet me anytime, or drop us a comment.

Cast 17: Veg Vitamins

Monday Oct 19, 2009

Monday Oct 19, 2009

When a diet plentiful in fruits, veggies, protein, good fat and good carbs just doesn't suffice, a vegetarian vitamin supplement is a trusty answer to obtaining the missing nutrients. As healthy vegetarians, we always strive to lead the healthiest lifestyles possible, and a veg-friendly supplement can often be the perfect finishing touch to well-being.
Now, I'm not a medical professional or doctor, so this information is for your reference. However, I can say that my taking a little vegetarian multivitamin (free of gelatin, casein, glycerin and other animal ingredients) has improved my overall energy level and mood.
Take a listen here online or check out the show at iTunes here.
This cast accompanies the post at the VegLiving blog (where the main content is) here. Enjoy!
If you're enjoying the show, do feel free to subscribe at iTunes, get notifications for new episodes by email or RSS, or email or tweet me.
Don't forget to share the word about the podcast to all your vegetarian friends (or here on Podbean)!
Be well,

Cast 16: GT'S Miracle Drink

Thursday Oct 15, 2009

Thursday Oct 15, 2009

Sick of hearing all the complaints about sugary drinks and low energy from a bad diet? I know I am and I've found the solution. This wonderful drink, discussed in today's episode, is the drink for a low-sugar, organic, raw, vegan and tasteful way to acquire vitamins and nutrients naturally and without chemicals.
Take a listen to find out more, and if you like the podcast, don't forget to subscribe at iTunes or by email for updates.
See more information about this topic at the VegLiving blog, here.
Let me know what you think and drop me an email or a tweet. Thanks for all the support and be sure to tell your friends about the podcast!
Be well,

Cast 15: Autumn Antioxidants

Sunday Oct 11, 2009

Sunday Oct 11, 2009

Autumn has just arrived and that means that a wonderful harvest of nutrition-packed vegetables is on its way. In this podcast, hear about some featured veggies that pack in great antioxidants to keep you healthy during the cold season and reduce the risk of diseases like certain cancers, heart disease and Alzheimer's disease.
Check out the accompanying post at the VegLiving blog here, entitled "Best autumn antioxidant-powerhouses", that features the link to the recent Reader's Digest article that discussed these vegetables and their great nutritional benefits.
If you are enjoying the show, feel free to subscribe at iTunes (it's easy and free) or by email to get updates delivered to you. Let me know what you think about the show and drop a comment or an email to me, or let us know what you think on Twitter @VegLiving.
Be well,

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